Business License

Registration/Change of Business Identification Number (NIB), PKKPR, NPWP of individuals/business entities, legal entities, NPWPD, NOPD: Restaurant Tax (PB1) and Advertising Tax, BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, LKPM Reporting

The process of applying for and obtaining official permits required for business actors to be able to carry out business activities legally.


Business Identification Number (NIB)

Sole Proprietorship / Business Entity/Legal Entity

  1. OSS Account
  2. NIB RBA
  3. SPPL
  4. K3L
  5. Independent Statement
  6. Standard Certificate (low medium risk KBLI)


Application for Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP)

  1. Taxable Entrepreneur Certificate
  2. Activation Code
  3. Password Activation Code


Application for Electronic Certificate

Company Address Change


Tax Identification Number (NPWP)

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